Rising Star Jahqoi Hits the Small Screen

2007 is turning out to be a very busy and successful year for plus size fashion designer Anna Nicole, who together with her mother Dorez, has founded the trend setting plus size clothing line Jahqoi.

Anna Nicole has been working hard to create extremely stylish, colorful and figure flattering new designs for Jahqoi, most of which can in fact already be seen on their brand new website. The hard work has indeed been paying off as Jahqoi has landed a couple of interviews with leading TV stations.

In fact last Tuesday, 13th March Anna Nicole was interviewed by NBC News. After the interview was aired in Los Angeles, it was also aired in other cities around the Unites States. Talk about a big time TV appearance for plus size fashion designer!

A couple of weeks ago Anna Nicole and Jahqoi were also featured in another TV interview with KTLA, the premiere Southern California CW station. In the interview with Gayle Anderson, Anna Nicole showcases some beautiful pieces from her collection. You can actually watch this interview online, as it’s saved in KTLA’s archives. Just visit this link, and then look for the segment “Jahqoi, Plus Size Clothes” and you’ll be able to view it.

Well done Anna Nicole! The attention you are receiving is very well deserved.

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One Response to “Rising Star Jahqoi Hits the Small Screen”

  1. dd1650 says:

    Hi there, Sarah…
    Just want to thank you for featuring us on your incredible site.

    - Dorez

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